ホーム > AVR, Syhthe > MeeBlipをケースに入れるCreating Panel for MeeBlip

MeeBlipをケースに入れるCreating Panel for MeeBlip

2012 年 6 月 27 日


MeeBlip Microキットを購入し、使い易いように、ケースに入れてみました。

MeeBlip Case

MeeBlip is a digital synthesizer which make use of AVR.

I obtain a MeeBlip Micro kit, hacked it, and make a case for it.

MeeBlip Case

1. MeeBlipとは?



また、Reflex Audio Systems社からリーズナブルな価格でキットも販売されています。キットを購入すれば、自分で部品を集めなくても済みます。

今回は、基板のパーツがセットになっているMeeBlip microキットを購入しました。日本からの注文した場合、カナダから航空便で約2週間かかりました。

2. MeeBlip microキットの改造


MeeBlip microは$39.99と最も安価なキットです。キットには基板と基板上に取り付けるパーツが付属しますが、別にケースやスイッチなどを集めて組み立てる必要があります。手間はかかりますが、世界で一台のオリジナル設計のシンセサイザーを作ることができます。



  • 全部ソフト制御では味気ないため、microの基本機能を使うためのボリューム、スイッチを付ける(各8個)
  • シリアルMIDIは取り付けずに、Moco基板を使って、直接USB-MIDIからならせるようにする。
  • 電源もUSB-MIDI経由でホストから供給する。

3. パネルの設計




  1. ケースの仕様書からパネルのサイズや穴の位置、組み立てに必要なマージンなどの情報を取得
  2. CADソフトでパネルを設計する。今回は無料のInkscapeを利用しました
  3. プリンタで実寸大で印刷して、状態の確認。
  4. 再度CADソフトで修正(2へ戻る)
  5. 納得の行く設計ができた時点で発注

Panel Design Panel Layout 1 Panel Layout 2 Panel Layout 3



4. 組み立て



Panel with cover sheet

Panel cover removed



moco to case

USB Connector



5. 使う




1. What is MeeBlip?

MeeBlip is a digital synthesizer designed with AVR microcontroller. For more information, please take a look at the following homepages.

All of the information are distributed on github. As MeeBlip is OSHW (Open Source Hardware), we can modify it to fit our needs.

Reflex Audio Systems distributes Meebip as various kinds of kit with reasonable price. With the kits, it will be no hassle to collect parts on the BOM.

I  obtained a Meeblip Micro kit, which includes PCB and the parts on PCB.  It took about two weeks to reach hear in Japan from Canada.

2. Modify MeeBlip micro kit

There are a few kinds of MeeBlip kits available on the web page. All kits includes the same CPU with synthe software but they are slightly different in functions and knobs.

MeeBlip micro is the cheapest kit. It took only  $39.99.  The kit include PCB and all of the parts on the PCB. As switches, volumes, and case is not includes, I need to collect them in Akihabara. This way, I can make an original syhthe with MeeBlip kit.

The other models of MeeBlip have 8 volues and 16 switches, or even more, to change parameters of syhtne. In the case of micro, all of the parameters can be changed with MIDI. It is possible to create a unit without knobs and switches with micro. The unit should have Power connector, MIDI-IN, and signal-out.

I designed my unit with the following policies.

  • As syhtne should have knob and switch on the panel, I decided to add 8 volumes and 8 switches.
  • Use USB-MIDI , instead of serial MIDI. I added Moco PCB to do the job.
  • Use USB bus power, for the simplicity.

3. Design the Panel

I decided to use ready-made case for the basis. I choose control box style case from TAKACHI’s catalog.

For the panel, I ordered a acryl plate for laser-cut & laser-etch service. I asked Emergeplus as they just do annual sale.

I designed the panel by the following steps.

  1. Check the dimensions of the panel, position of mount holes, and clearance information from design sheet of the case. Design information is on TAKACHI’s homepage.
  2. Design the panel with 2D-CAD. I use Inkscape on my iMac
  3. Print the design file to printer .The size setting must be x1. Place parts on the paper to check clearance.
  4. If problems are found go to step 2
  5. After enough iterations, just order it

Panel Design Panel Layout 1 Panel Layout 2 Panel Layout 3

In the first stage of the design I place 8 volume horizontally.  With printed panel and knobs, I found the space between knobs is not enough, and very hard to operate in the design. I changed my design to place 6 volume horizontally. I place 3 columns instead of two in the previous design. I used condensed fonts for the labels of the knobs and switched, to save spaces on the panel.

I choose 3mm acryl, cobalt blue, for the panel. The color match black TAKACHI case.

4. Assemble it

I received the panel in 3 days after I e-mail the CAD data. I processed the bottom case and assembled the panel.

The hole for volume is just fine but those for switches are a little bit small. I picked up a taper reamer to enlarge the holes. The rest of the parts was just fine fit.

Panel with cover sheet

Panel cover removed


The next step is to make holes on original case by TAKACHI. I need to handle 1.5mm al. angle with my hand drill, which was the hardest part.

moco to case

USB Connector

After assemble the volume and switch on the case, I soldered wire between these parts and PCB. I used tin-wire to connect between volumes and switches, and flat cable between panel and PCB.


5. Use it

As this unit has USB-MIDI built-in, I can connect it to PC via USB. iPad can also be used as MIDI-HOST.

To use MeeBlip with iPad, I recommend TouchOSC, as it can send CC to Meeblip to change parameters.


カテゴリー: AVR, Syhthe タグ:
  1. Bruno
    2012 年 6 月 30 日 07:01 | #1

    Awesome! 😀
